The CATalyst Difference!
CATalyst features are designed to streamline your work and give you everything you need to optimize your output and minimize production time. CATalyst works with all of your favorite writers to generate the best realtime feeds, transcripts, captions, and CARTView imaginable!
CATalyst uses predictive analytics, artificial intelligence, and old-fashioned common sense to provide you with clean translations, streamlined editing, and sophisticated delivery methods—all designed to save you time.
Popular Features
Job Management
The Suffix Drag/Phrase Maker feature now allows you to write phrases in a single stroke even when it is not defined in your dictionary. This gives you a fast way to make a phrase just by dragging a couple of letters!
Write faster and shorter with this “lifesaver” that has become more customizable than ever before! Based on your writing style, it will suggest briefs for numbers, dollar amounts, and more! Watch this short demo on Brief It.
Want to save time editing and have cleaner translations? Brief It is the answer! Watch and find out why Peggy Antone loves this feature of CATalyst.
Just because it’s not defined in your dictionary doesn’t mean it won’t translate. CATalyst identifies your mistranslated steno and offers accurate translation suggestions with no embarrassing surprises. It’s got you covered for the whole day! Watch this short demo video on Live Suggestions.
Watch your translation rate soar! CATalyst communicates with your Luminex or Diamante to interpret the nuances of your writing. It knows what you meant to write and ensures accuracy from the first to the last stroke of the day.
Have a prepared speech or a list of graduate names? Don’t waste time defining or writing it all out! Now you can save strokes by having the text set and ready to go ahead of time. You’ll look great with less effort.
Now you can import vCard files to speed up the process of creating Fill In Field List entries! You can obtain vCard files from law firm websites and attorney email signatures.
This is the perfect dynamic to-do list. This at-a-glance list makes it easier to confer with participants at the end of the day. As you move through the Hotspots list, you’ll go directly to transcript locations that require your attention with an option to play audio automatically.
This feature is like a permanent sticky note for a job. Send case-specific terms, key names, and spellings to the Cat Scratch for easy viewing during realtime and edit. It also automatically reminds you of previously used briefs for current and future jobs.
This is an essential tool for creating fast rough drafts and flawless finals. It will help find and fix your common mistranslations, punctuation errors, and word usage issues. It’s like an extra pair of eyes that knows what you need.
Peggy Antone talks about CATalyst MistranMinder and how it saves her time.
Not just for homophones! Quickly switch to the correct word or phrase and now easily add your own abbreviations and common mistranslates to make your repetitive editing a breeze.
Now you can create a link for clients to click on when they want to connect to your CaseViewNet Browser Edition realtime session. It’s now as simple as a click for clients and without you needing to explain about how to use the Session Code and connection password.
Makes recovering from whatever happens possible. Our Cloud Backup solution will automatically store and encrypt your work in the cloud but never get in the way of your active editing and realtime activities. Makes recovering from whatever happens quick and easy.
Watch this short video on how easy it is to setup Cloud Backup.
Be better prepared for your next job! Case Prep now instantly analyzes PDF, e-Transcript, TextMap, ASCII, Eclipse and CATalyst files. It then lets you know what is missing from your dictionaries and suggests briefs for frequently occurring words and phrases.
Opportunities to use Case Prep Include:
- Continuation of an ongoing case
- Research for a captioning event
- Preparation for a CART job
Find out how Micheal A. Johnson, CSR (TX), CCR (LA), RDR, CRR, CLR, a realtime reporter, saves hours of time with this one feature.
Can’t locate an important file? Use Search File Contents to search for a word, phrase, or define across all CATalyst files and dictionaries. Clickable results are listed in an easy-to-use window for review.
When your final proofing is done, let Finish ‘em do the rest. With a single click, you can create a signed and password-protected PDF with linked exhibits. You can also create ASCII and PTX files, e-mail, print, and even back up your work! It’s the ultimate time saver for finishing a job!
Quickly build your dictionary from a Case Prep wordlist or any text list. On a plane or train? No need to set up your writer; you can use your computer keyboard.