License update
1. Click the Select button to upload the AuthRequest.xml file you saved to your flash drive or other removable media from your Case CATalyst computer.
2. In the "Choose File to Upload" dialog box, browse to and select your AuthRequest.xml file. Then, click "Open."
3. Click "Submit."
4. At the File Download dialog box, choose to Save the .sgmac file. Save the .sgmac file to a flash drive or other removable media. You will use the .sgmac file on the computer with Case CATalyst that you are authorizing for e-Key.
Note: If you are on a Software Installment Agreement and authorizing your e-Key manually, you may be prompted for payment. If so, after making the payment, you will need to use this page a second time to submit your AuthRequest.xml file. You will then be able to download your .sgmac file.
2. In the "Choose File to Upload" dialog box, browse to and select your AuthRequest.xml file. Then, click "Open."
3. Click "Submit."
4. At the File Download dialog box, choose to Save the .sgmac file. Save the .sgmac file to a flash drive or other removable media. You will use the .sgmac file on the computer with Case CATalyst that you are authorizing for e-Key.
Note: If you are on a Software Installment Agreement and authorizing your e-Key manually, you may be prompted for payment. If so, after making the payment, you will need to use this page a second time to submit your AuthRequest.xml file. You will then be able to download your .sgmac file.
