“...What a great little machine! I’m lovin’ it so far. The Miras were a mess with the number bar...I had to adjust mine with a socket set when I first got it. There was no adjusting to the stroking depth or key sensitivity that would do the trick... I use the number bar all the time. If I want a cardinal number, I write a cardinal number. If I want numbers in words, I write them in words. I also use it for speaker IDs. The Luminex was dead on every time. Nice! Cheers!”
- Jim Moyer -
“ I had gone from the Stentura to the Diamante and the Diamante was nice but I have to say that the Luminex is awesome. The touch of the keys is amazing. This will be my last machine (I hope) I will ever use.”
- Linda Gail Kazdin -
“I have had mine for about a week, and have had absolutely no stacking, and I have it on my shallowest stroke. I found on my Diamante that I could not have the stroke very shallow or I would get too much stacking and splitting...However, I did love my Diamante but so far I really love my Luminex.”
- Jo Ann Bryce -
"I really love the writer! And the transition from my current writer to Luminex was instantaneous thanks to the raised vowel keys and the setting wheels. I LOVE MY LUMINEX!!!"
- Grace C -
"My Diamante could have never kept up. I am astonished at how easily I was able to edit this job... I don't get how people think this machine is just like the Diamante. For me, it is like writing on air and so many less translation issues. My fingers don't even hurt."
- Michelle Diana -